Mark Buzard, a friend of mine, loaned me the book Way Back. I recommend it. I'll try not to include any spoilers.
The basic plot is that a group of scientists and security men are sent back in time to the age of Noah. They get to encounter the garden of Eden, dinosaurs, the antediluvian culture, and the Ark. There are some other subplots, but that would be spoiling the book.
Sam Batterman is the author and seems to have done a lot of research for this book. Unfortunately, not all his sources were good ones and they weren't consistent with each other. Here are some good and bad points about the book from a Young Earth Creationist perspective.
On pages 92 and 126 he describes a pre-Flood vapor canopy. He presents an older view of the canopy (from the 80's at the latest) and Creationists no longer emphasize the canopy. But he does well.
On page 74, he describes a Biblical timeline from Creation to the present. On page 76, he estimates the population of the pre-Flood earth as between 3-9 billion. Good job.
On pages 130-134, a character describes the Intelligent Design argument for Creation and includes an excellent though simple description of bacterial flagellum. I was impressed.
On page 192 he discusses the use of laminate boards on the ark. I just heard about that summer of '08.
His picture of the Ark in Ch 27 was excellent. He uses AIG's new "thinking outside the box" shape of the ark. I'm not convinced the new view is right, but I was pleased to see a serious description of the ark.
On page 194, the map they discover is consistent with many views of a pre-Flood single continent.
Ch 44 and Ch 49 describe the Flood itself. It is excellent, although a version that I have never heard elsewhere. The violence and the total destruction -- not only of the people and culture, but of the very geography -- of the sinful antediluvian world. Very well done.
Amazingly, on pp 69-70 and 78 they discover the original location of the Garden of Eden by following modern rivers and river beds. If the Flood occurred as described in Ch 44 and 49, the ancient rivers and rivers bed would be permanently wiped off the face of the earth. There is no way any modern rivers or river bed survived from before the Flood. Ch 13 concerning the Arabian Shield seems to me to have the same flaw, although I have never studied the Arabian Shield.
On page 93 he describes a parasaurolophus trumpeting. Parasaurolophuses had a hollow bone on their skull (6 foot long, I believe). Typical (evolutionary) books suggest it may have been used for trumpeting. Creationist books tend to suggest that it was used for "breathing" smoke and fire along the lines of a six foot bombardier beetle. I was disappointed that he didn't follow the creationist suggestion.
On page 128 the characters are discussing micro-evolution and macro-evolution. They limit micro-evolution to species and macro-evolution to larger categories than the species. This is a misunderstanding of the meaning of species and kinds. The key difference is that micro-evolution involves rearranging existing genetic information to form a new breed or species. Macro-evolution involves adding genetic information so that a one-celled protozoa evolves into a fabulous human being. The was the topic is discussed in Way Back, it sounds like creationists believe in fixity of the species, which they don't.
Overall, it was an excellent book and I highly recommend. I also recommend that if you read old earth creationist literature, ID literature, and young earth creationist literature, you need to make sure your final ideas are internally consistent. If Sam Batterman had done that a good book would have been even better.
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Hi Steve & Deb -
Thank you for your review of Wayback. I only had two real goals for this book: one, I hoped it would be enjoyable and allow a person to get lost in the world that then "was." Second, to allow a person to really consider the Flood outside of a mythological perspective - this is an event that really happened. So many Christians don't think about how important Genesis and the Flood is to the faith. It tells us everything that science cannot: where we came from, why we are in the condition we are in and why the world looks and acts the way it does.
My end goal was to try to stitch together many theories in some cohesive manner that would still allow story and not be a text book. At the end I have realized that we sometimes try to jam everything into the Flood and its aftermath (such as sedmentary rock) - it doesn't all have to be caused by the Flood - it could be there by design. My second book deals with this (it's not a sequel to Wayback and takes place in modern times.)
I'm glad you enjoyed the trip, but more...I'm glad you think deeply about Genesis and what it means.
Sam, I'd like to hear more about how sedimentary rocks with their fossils could be there by design. That is a new idea for me.
Sediments don't have to include Fossils and I'm not stating that they have to. The layers of rocks beneath our feet were not all laid down by the Flood. Clearly, much of it was there by design (at the time of creation). The point that God designed this stack of rock specifically and with great insight (obviously - I mean, He is God) has huge implications to everything that we associate with sediments - namely petroleum, metal deposits, the association of organic molecules with petroleum, the formation of coal, the association of methane and helium with peteroleum reserves and the relationship of carbon to Gold mines. Titan, the largest moon of Saturn has been shown by instrumetns to contain petroleum in the form of methane. Pretty sure there wasn't a worldwide flood on Titan (at least we weren't told about it in God's Word) and I'm pretty sure a bunch of dinos and plants didn't die to create these petroleum signatures. The Flood isn't the only reason everything is the way it is...there are many other possibilities. Please note that I still hold to early earth, Universal Flood, the Ark, the saving of human and animal life and the large scale devastation of the planet's face.
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